Saturday, May 14, 2011


After an intense week of tutorials, training and music production, I'm glad to be finished with the effect demo reel embedded above.  For this video, I experiment with a variety of basic functions in Premiere Pro, including opacity, color correction, saturation, as well as time remapping and acceleration.  Although one minute only really allows me to scratch the surface of Premiere's power, the opportunity to learn my way around the interface and take a project from its original blank state to a completed product was well worth the time invested.

While working with the Title Creation Tool, I found (to the contrary of my last post) that Premiere contains an impressive collection of preset titles, upper and lower thirds, and font effects that weren't covered in the brevity of Lynda's Essential Training Series.  Throughout the process of creating the project, I also stumbled across other presets, such as different text effects, transitions, and animations.   Although the presets were great, I went with a simple set of custom titles.

One of Premiere's greatest strengths is that if it is unable to do what you need, its most likely that you can accomplish the effect you are looking for in another Adobe program, such as After Effects or Photoshop, and the files are completely compatible.  Although Premiere's tools are sufficient for basic effects and design, I think in future projects, I might prefer to use Illustrator or After Effects to create footage to be edited and rendered in Premiere. 

Well, for now, its back to the world of Web 2.0 tools, so thanks for stopping by, and check back for more videos and reviews! 

Premiere Pro Certificate from


  1. After watching your video creation from all that you had learned on's Premier Pro Essential Training videos, I'm impressed. In one minute you were able to illustrate the differences between Premier Pro and iMovie. From text layout, to image colors and video quality. The music was perfect and engaging for me. As I dive into more tutorials through Lynda, I am encouraged to use this program for future projects. Thanks Joe for making it look so easy.

  2. Joe~
    I commend you for watching the hours of tutorials on something brand-new (or sorta brand-new) to you. You are clearly an iMovie expert, as that is evident in every single one of your prior iMovie projects. I love how you chose to highlight the major feature differences between iMovie and Premiere Pro. The entire clip represented things that I didn't know how to do in iMovie (or that weren't even possible!). Thanks again for another wonderful quality video!
