Saturday, May 28, 2011


    A brief documentary of my Realistic and Innovative Learning Scenario project
                           (Student images used with parent permission)

The Realistic and Innovative Learning Scenario (RILS) detailed below proved to be a valuable 21st century learning experience for the group of participating students.  As the documentary video shows, the students were highly motivated at the chance to record and produce their very own musical creations.

The following plan documents the plan that I developed for implementation of the RILS.  Although it may appear complicated for elementary school, uJam's ease of use helped to make teaching the skills necessary for the activity go smoothly.

Relevant and Innovative Learning Scenario (RILS) Plan


     Working in groups, the RILS will give learners the opportunity to collaborate to create personalized and complete recordings of exercises that were learned throughout the school year.  While traditional study of instrumental music tends to lean toward teacher-centered direct instruction, uJam allows learners to take control of the exercises they have learned by using the original classical tunes to create personally relevant recordings of the music, including accompaniment in the styles they choose.

Target Audience:
  • 5th Grade Band Students
  • 30 minute lessons
  • Groups of 2-6 learners
  • Computer with speakers, headphones and microphone
  • Broadband Internet access
  • uJam account
  • Musical instruments (optional, students can sing melodies if instruments are not available)

At the end of the scenario, the learner will be able to:
  • Create recordings using uJam
  • Evaluate and discuss the quality of compositions
  • Make analytical decisions about instrumentation and accompaniment in compositions
  • Apply performance skills by recording music

  1. To inroduce the scenario, play the uJam commercial found here.
  2. Since the learners are already in a small group, have them choose one of the following roles for the recording project:
    • Solo Artist - Performs the exercise for the recording
    • Producer - Lends advice on style and musical decisions
    • Sound Engineer - Edits and arranges the music using a computer
  3. Have the group choose a favorite exercise learned previously to record.
  4. Give the performer a chance to practice the exercise, then have one of the sound engineers record the performer.
  5. Listen to the default recording and have a producer or editor shot the group the list of styles.  Allow the learners to experiment with styles untl they find one that matches the recorded melody.
  6. Teach the editor or producer how to manipulate timing or correct pitch mistakes if needed.  Allow the group to make the musical decisions about changes or corrections.
  7. Play the finished product, then lead a brief discussion exploring open-ended evaluative questions like:
    • What did you think of your finished song?
    • Do you think the finished recording is good?  Why or why not?
    • What did you like or not like about the song?
  8. Export the song to mp3 and remind the learners they can take home their completed works on a USB drive, or create new works at
Web 2.0 Tool:

uJam provides an online mixer that analyzes user-created melodies and generates backgrounds in a variety of styles.  As well, uJam allows users to edit the pitch and rhythm of the melody, as well as a number of other variables, allowing easy creation of great-sounding music. 

Social Participation / Social Learning:

Collaboration will occur throughout the scenario, as learners will have individual roles where they step forward to lead parts of the recording project, while all decisions about the content, style and edits to the project will be made by the groWeb up.  There will be numerous opportunities for group discussion as the learners make decisions to complete the project.

Making Connections:

The melodies the learners record will be exercises learned previously throughout the year.  uJam will allow the learners to hear and edit these familiar melodies and place them in popular styles, connecting them to the styles of music the learners love most.  As well, the learners will be able to access the software online at home to create more of their own songs, making the connection between learning at school and at the home.

End Product:

Learner created songs in mp3 format


See rubric below.


Student Reflection - At the end of the activity, students will provide written responses to two reflection prompts.
  1. What was your favorite part of the learning scenario?
  2. What did you think of your composition?  What would you do differently if you had another chance to record?
Teacher Reflection - The teacher will provide a narrative of reflections and recommendations for future implementation following the rubric.

RILS Assessment Rubric:

Creation of recording
Learner created a complete song with accompaniment and a working mp3 file
Learner completed a recording of the song with accompaniment, but no mp3 file
Learner recorded a melody, but did not apply an accompaniment or create an mp3
Learner did not record a song
Learner participated in reflection discussion, providing new and thoughtful insight into the learning process
Learner provided thoughtful, but typical responses in the reflection process
Learner provided basic comments in reflection, such as “It was fun” or “It was hard”
Learner did not participate in the reflection discussion
Analysis/Accompaniment Decisions
Learner made decisions about accompaniment style and edits that show great understanding of music and analytical thinking skills
Learner made thoughtful analytical decisions that could be improved from a technical or musical standpoint
Learner decisions about accompaniment were random or thoughtless
Learner did not assist in decisions about accompaniment
Application of performance skills
Recorded performance of melody was musically accurate and showed musicianship
Recorded performance was accurate, but musicianship could be improved
Recorded performance contained many musical errors
Recorded performance was inaccurate and did not reflect prior learning

Reflections and recommendations for future implementation:

Implementing the RILS was a good deal of work, but much worth the time and effort involved.  As the documentary video illustrates, the students were quite successful in creating innovative recordings using uJam's simple recording and editing tools.  As well, having to implement the RILS forced me somewhat out of my typical routine.  At first, this was somewhat uncomfortable, but once the activities got going, it was easy to step back and watch the students shine.

When I implement this activity in the future, the biggest factor to keep in mind will be time.  The 30-minute sessions that I planned were enough time to complete the projects, but more time would allow students the opportunity to explore more styles of music and make better edits and corrections to their melodies.  As well, additional time would allow students to collaborate and reflect on a deeper level.


  1. Excellent tutorial, I never considered creating my own music. You outlined how easy it is to implement in a classroom setting. From reading your relevant and innovative learning scenario I can see how you and your learners were very engaged. The video was an excellent account of the process.

  2. It must have been a great experience for your students to collaborate on this level. I can only imagine your gratification a you watched them take control and really shine. Your video documents the project well! Also, excellent job re-purposing your U-Jam commercial as an instruction element in your RILS plan.
